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Lisa Bishop:  Clarinet


Member since? 

Summer 2017



How did you hear about/find us? 

Stacey G. stalked me for about 3 blocks until I ended a cell phone call.  If she had not been wearing a Children’s t-shirt I would have sprinted! She’s quite the persuasive recruiter.



What is your musical background/history? 

​Clarinet was the first instrument I tried and I always stuck with it.  I began playing in jr. high and continued on through a few years into college, playing with several college groups, community ensembles and sports pep bands.  




What is your favorite “Band Song” to play? 

Sleigh Ride




What do you do when you are not playing music? (work/hobbies/for fun???)

​Playing with the kids, white water rafting, hiking, cooking, knitting/crocheting, aerobics, your basic stuff.




What type of animal/breed of dog/cat/bird/fish/other etc…. best reflects your personality and why? 

Cats—I’m indoor cuddly with a lick of outdoor adventure.




What is your superpower? 

Invisibility (Observant, Stealthy, Quiet, Selfless) -- (They can't put anything on the Internet that isn't true.  Where did you hear that? The Internet.)




Tell us something fun!  You know, like “That one time at band camp…” Or elsewhere.  (funny anecdote/story/amazing coincidence/hidden talent/celebrity encounter, etc…) 

​Once, my face landed on the cover of bandmaster magazine and, oh boy, did the Covergirl and Angel in the Centerfold jokes fly! At one game our clarinets from the Million Dollar Band coaxed LSU’s clarinet line into playing a crazy fan crowd screaming “OH! It’s HER!”.  Surprised, I ran. Both sections chased. The football giant-camera-papparazi joined in. Police clustered at the endzone in concern-- it was a televised game. Lucky for me it was during a TV break. Good times!!!!

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