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Justin Schwartz-French Horn

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Name: Justin Schwartz
Member Since: 2017
How did you hear about/find us?
My brother Adam (trumpet) and his wife Christy (clarinet) played in the group and encouraged me to join, and it has been so much fun that I kept on coming back! 
What is your musical background/history?
 I originally started playing the violin in 1991. After 5 years of not practicing or getting better, I quit, but I had picked up the French horn in 1994 as the only one in my 6th grade class who wanted to play it. 25 years later, the horn and I are inseparable! I’ve had such good fortune to have played in many community bands and orchestras here in Birmingham and in Boston, one of the most fun having been the Boston Philharmonic Funk Orchestra (of which CCB reminds me a lot!). I’ve also been extremely lucky enough to have played with the ASO for the Harry Potter concerts! I majored in music in college, dabbling in conducting and composing, and I’ve written a few short film soundtracks for my now local celebrity brother’s films back in the day. I’m also a member of the Alabama Symphony Junior Patrons, having worked with them to start the Sensory Friendly concerts for individuals with developmental differences that may make traditional symphony performances inaccessible. 
What is your favorite "band song" to play/conduct?
 This is a hard question! There have been so many good ones. I love most anything by Alfred Reed - Russian Christmas Music has some high school nostalgia to it. In CCB, I love the Earth Wind and Fire song that we do. I’m sure my answer to this question may change tomorrow! 
What do you do when you are not playing music? (work/hobbies/for fun???)
 I work as a developmental-behavioral pediatrician at UAB, seeing kiddos with developmental differences, autism, ADHD, and intellectual or learning disabilities, among other conditions. Other hobbies include eating adventurously, reading, moving in specific ways that possibly qualify as exercise, traveling whenever I can, and playing trivia and board games. 
What type of animal/ breed of dog/cat/bird/fish/other reflects your personality and why?
Someone once recently told me I’m basically a Jack Russell terrier. Not sure why entirely, but others definitely see it too... I’m taking it as a complement.
What is your superpower?
Should a supervillain demand that in order to save the world, the roll call for Ms. Hrabovsky’s 1988 kindergarten class needs to be recited in alphabetical order, well today’s your lucky day... I’m your man.


Tell us something fun! You know, like "That one time at band camp..." Or elsewhere. (funny anecdote/story/amazing coincidence/hidden talent/celebrity encounter, etc...) 
I once rode a banana boat with John Pinette, a very obese comedian best known for stand-up comedy about buffets and also for playing the guy that got mugged while Jerry and co. just watched in the very last episode of Seinfeld. Needless to say, it was a short banana boat ride.

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